Mission Statement:
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. – A 501C3, Non-profit organization, staffed by dedicated Volunteers, who are committed to supporting the special needs community.
Families - We provide compassionate emotional support, vital year-round programming, and engaging family activities for our special need’s community.
Respect – We demand that everyone treat people with disabilities with respect and understanding. We have taken the pledge to help end the use of the R Word.
Inspire – We Inspire our special needs individuals to believe in themselves and become a productive member of society.
Educate – We educate our community, its leaders, and professionals to know our worth and to see our value.
Network – We continually look for special need’s resources and opportunities to help our community.
Down syndrome – F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Down Syndrome Support group is our primary focus; established in 2007.
Special needs – We are an all-inclusive organization that serves the entire special needs community.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Goals provide a foundation on which to meet the demands of the future. We strive:
· To provide accurate and up-to-date information to new and expectant parents.
· To change people’s attitudes about Down syndrome/Special Needs and promote respect and esteem.
· To enable people with Special Needs to speak up and be heard.
· To help Special Needs individuals become a productive part of society.
· To provide financial and social service support for our families in the Special Needs community.
· To train volunteers to represent and promote “best practice” programs in meeting the needs of all individuals with Down Syndrome/Special Needs and their families.
· To create a community that embraces, supports, and inspires individuals with Down syndrome/Special Needs to live happy, healthy, full-filling lives.
· We are TRUSTWORTHY in our daily responsibilities.
· We use EMPATHY in our interactions and RESPECT toward others in all that we do.
· We COLLABORATE and create PARTNERSHIPS within our community.
· We are DEVOTED, investing our time, effort and energy to our mission.